Corporate Social Responsibility

Let's build IT together

Corporate Social Responsibility

Our responsibility is - "to actively contribute to the social and economic development of the communities in which we operate. In so doing build a better, sustainable way of life for the weaker sections of society and raise the country's human development index".

We are focused in our Sustainability efforts

  • Educating for the Future
  • Responsibility at Work
  • Reducing the environmental impact of our operations.

We Support

Swachh Bharat Abhiyan

Swachh Bharat Abhiyan (English: Clean India Mission) is a national campaign by the Government of India, covering 4041 statutory towns, to clean the streets, roads and infrastructure of the country.

This campaign aims to accomplish the vision of a 'Clean India' by 2 October 2019, the 150th birthday of Mahatma Gandhi. The campaign has been described as "beyond politics" and "inspired by patriotism".

Sahai Helpline, Bangalore

SAHAI's team of committed volunteers include retired persons, teachers, homemakers, professionals and college students - people from all walks of life who are committed to saving lives. SAHAI volunteers undergo 30 hours of suicide prevention training conducted by professionals from NIMHANS and the Medico Pastoral Association, along with Rotary Bangalore east three of the help line's founding partners.

Volunteers are trained to help each caller ventilate, to respond without judging, and to guide the caller to address their problem. Volunteers learn how to listen pro-actively, and to recognize and assess signs of stress and depression. For more information

Medico Pastoral Association, Bangalore

Designed as a home away from home, it is the first facility of its kind in India. It is a place, which provides care and compassion, hastening growth and development hopefully beyond recovery attained through psychiatric treatment. It is a space for a recovering person with mental disorder before he / she is ready to be welcomed into his / her own home. Half-Way Home fosters self-help, self-direction and self-management. The focus here is on learning social skills, managing stress and feelings. Treatment in the Half-Way Home includes principles of behaviour modification, crisis intervention and occupational therapy. The Home accommodates 21 residents and is open to both men and women. The term of stay usually varies between 3 and 15 months. A stay less than 3 months is not deemed useful. For more information

Whittakkar's Musical Museum, Waiheke Island, Auckland, NZ

The Trust was formed in 1997 and has subsequently purchased the entire collection for the benefit of both Waiheke Island and the wider New Zealand public. The Museum is a wonderful, educational venue for all school classes - right through from primary to college and university.

Our live show of 90 minutes combines 30 years of teaching, broadcasting and recording experience; playing and giving a brief history and their use.You will be entertained with music all will enjoy from the youngest to the oldest, and afterwards you have an opportunity to play an instrument of your choice, or pedal a pianola. For more information

Bengaluru NodeSchool Event

Bengaluru NodeSchool is Open source workshops under NODESCHOOL. Goal of this event is;

  • to create high quality programming curriculum
  • to host community learning events.

The defining characteristic of the workshopper is the interactvity and automation. Workshoppers are made up of challenges of increasing difficulty. Each challenge starts by explaining a concept, and then presents a list of requirements for solving the challenge. Learners then try and write a computer program that satisfies the criteria.

We use GitHub for organizing bengaluru nodeSchool. The best place to get in touch is our organizers repository. You can open a new Issue on that repository and organizers will get notified and can respond. This method is a lot better than directly e-mailing any of the organizers. more......